
Apple iWatch Concept Combines Nike Fuelband by Gavin Lau


This shows a Nike+ Fuelband-style device with a display that cycles through the time and date, an iTunes-style music player, and a menu featuring the icons for Apple's iMessage and Calendar apps. The mockup also includes a Nike+ Fuelband app. Created by Thomas Bogner, a student at Germany’s Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, the concept device was inspired by his desire to have a Nike+ Fuelband with more features.

"What I was missing in all those iWatch mockups to date, they never felt 'Apple-like' and 'unisex.' If my girlfriend wouldn't wear, but I would — it's basically not Apple. For me, personally, the iPod click wheel was one of the most stunning implementations of UI in a consumer device; that's probably the reason why [I] wanted the Interface to 'rotate' around a wrist."!9ecb:eyJzIjoidCIsImkiOiJfY28xbmQybjNnN2QzMXluNXZncDNwMl8ifQ

How Mobile Alters Traditional Network Effects In Marketplaces by Gavin Lau

On the web, marketplaces are the stuff of legend. With properties like eBay and Amazon, among many other, an online marketplace harnesses the openness of the web, more efficiently matches supply with demand without too many intermediaries, and leverages network effects to capture economic value during each transaction.